Retirement Planning

Have you considered life after work?

Expert Insight

Have you ever watched a client you helped to retire wealthy, then experience boredom, depression, loneliness, loss of purpose or lack of motivation during their retirement? Most financial advisers say yes. The transition to retirement is challenging and without a plan for all the non financial areas, many people experience these issues. Retire on Purpose is a business that helps your clients (and you) minimise these risks, by teaching a holistic retirement education program called My Game Plan. According to Abraham Maslow, there are 5 needs that underpin all human behaviour: health, security (financial), relationships, learning and purpose. Individuals that build strength in all 5 areas enjoy a rewarding retirement. Individuals who focus on some and ignore others, can face mental health risks.

How can we help?

Retire on Purpose partner with financial advice practices and dealer groups who seek new ways to add value to their 45-70 year old clients. They also support retiring practice owners to avoid these non-financial challenges too. We offer a range of marketing tools, plus our 3 main programs, that can be experienced via online learning, zoom group workshops and 1-to-1 coaching:

  • My Game Plan (transition to retirement learning program)
  • My Legacy (succession planning learning program)
  • Retirement 2.0 Advisers Tools (CPD accredited learning program for advisers who want to be able to debrief My Game Plan with their clients)
  • Short Film (free) to educate your clients about holistic retirement planning
  • Ebook (free) to educate your clients about holistic retirement planning
  • Retirement quiz (free and can be added to your website) to help your clients

Since 2003, Nick has built and facilitated over 100 learning programs in the areas of leadership, culture, strategy, sales training and personal development. This wide suite of programs is also offered to advice practices who seek bespoke learning programs to develop their culture and people. Connect with Nick to find out more details.

Nick Freedman

Nick is the CEO of Retire on Purpose.

Nick Freedman has over 20+ years experience in coaching, program design and workshop facilitation. He specialises in helping people transition from the end of career into retirement. This adds a new kind of (non-financial) value to your clients that builds trust and helps you stay close to their life journey.

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